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Upload/Download Cooked Game Binaries

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Games are built in Unreal. Cooking is part of the build process that takes the game assets and converts them to be used in a playable build. The process of converting content from the internal format to the platform-specific format is referred to as cooking.

Cooked build binaries contain packaged game assets and an executable game. In other words, this is the content of the game archive directory.

In AccelByte Development Toolkit (ADT), you will need to upload the cooked build binaries so that they can be accessed from ADT Web.

Upload the cooked game binaries

You can upload your cooked game binaries to the ADT Backend service so that you can distribute them to your team members. Use the command below to upload the binaries:

Without inline configuration

BlackBoxCLI.exe build upload-binaries --entry-point <entry point path>

With inline configuration

BlackBoxCLI.exe build upload-binaries --namespace myawesomegame --apikey asdf1234 --game-project D:\path\to\myawesomegame --game-archive D:\path\to\packaged\awesomegame --build-id <your build id> --entry-point <entry point path>

Upload subcommands

This table shows the subcommands you can use when you upload your binaries.

Main CommandSub CommandOptions and Parameters
buildupload-binaries-n, --namespaceNamespace
-a, --apikeyAPI Key
-r, --game-archivePackaged game path (Default: configured packaged game path)
--version-idVersion ID (Default: configured build id)
-b, --build-idBuild ID (Default: configured build id)
-e, --entry-pointEntry point/executable game path. Note that this is relative to the --game-archive directory and required
-g, --ignore

Absolute path to the ignored file

If you're going to ignore certain files, create an ignore file with the same pattern as Git's git ignore file and save it somewhere

You can also put the .ignoreconfig file in the --game-archive directory and skip this flag. In this case, the ADT CLI automatically reads the .ignoreconfig file. --ignore is optional.

-m, --multipart-size

Multipart upload size in megabytes (default: 1024) the file size should be equal to or more than 5 MB

If the size of a file is greater than the configured size, the multipart upload will automatically activate. For example, a 10 GB file will be chunked into 1 GB files and each will be uploaded separately. After they are uploaded, the server will compose the chunks back into the original file

-l, --log-level

Log level - default is info

Options are:

  • info
  • warn
  • debug
  • error
--show-confirmationShow the confirmation prompt before executing the upload

Alternative command for uploading game binaries

The game-binary upload command is an alternative way to upload game binaries


You need an additional security credential like --client-id as well as the API Key for this command. See your ADT Admin for more help, or contact us in your Slack channel.

Without inline configuration

BlackBoxCLI.exe game-binary upload --client-id <clientid> --client-secret <clientsecret> --username <username> --password <password> --game-archive <packaged game path> --entry-point <executable path relative to game archive> 

With inline configuration

BlackBoxCLI.exe game-binary upload --namespace <your namespace> --apikey asdf1234 --client-id <clientid> --client-secret <clientsecret> --username <username> --password <password> --game-archive <packaged game path> --entry-point <executable path relative to game archive>

For example:

BlackBoxCLI.exe game-binary upload --client-id asdf1234 --client-secret asdf1234 --username myname --password mypassword --game-archive d:\path\to\packaged\game --entry-point mygame.exe

Alternative upload subcommands

The following table contains the subcommands you can use when you upload your binaries using game-binary upload.

Main CommandSub CommandOptions and Parameters
buildgame-binary upload--apikey[part of inline config] Set the API Key to be used
--namespace[part of inline config] Set the namespace to be used
--game-project[part of inline config] Set the directory of the game project to be used
--game-archivePackaged game path
--client-idThe client id of the CLI (please contact us for the actual id to use for your namespace)
--client-secretThe client secret of the CLI. Contact us for the actual secret to use for your namespace.
--usernameCurrent user username
--passwordCurrent user password
--show-confirmation(Optional) Whether or not to show confirmation
--build-idThe build ID to target this game binary. Not required if you already specified the game project and it has the correct build ID inside the `Config/BlackBox.ini` file.
--entry-pointThe executable path of the game relative to game-archive
--launch-argumentsThe launch argument of the game (optional)
--ignoreThe absolute path of the `.ignoreconfig` file, the ignore pattern is similar to `.gitignore`
--multipart-sizeMultipart upload size in megabytes, should equal to or greater than 5 MB (default: `1024`)
--log-levelLog level (default: `info`, options: `info`, `debug`, `warn`, `error`)

Download game binaries

Similar to the way you upload your binaries, you can use the ADT CLI to download binaries to your hard drive.

Without inline configuration

BlackBoxCLI.exe game-binary download --client-id <clientid> --client-secret <clientsecret> --username <username> --password <password> --directory <downloaded game path> 

With inline configuration

BlackBoxCLI.exe game-binary download --client-id <clientid> --client-secret <clientsecret> --username <username> --password <password> --directory <downloaded game path> --namespace <your namespace>  --apikey asdf1234 --build-id asdf1234

For example:

BlackBoxCLI.exe game-binary download --client-id asdf1234 --client-secret asdf1234 --username myusername --password mypassword --directory d:\path\to\downloadedgame --build-id asdf1234

Download subcommands

This table shows the subcommands to use when you download your binaries using game-binary download.

Main CommandSub CommandOptions and Parameters
buildgame-binary download--apikey[part of inline config] Set the API Key to use
--namespace[part of inline config] Set the namespace to use
--game-project[part of inline config] Set the directory of the game project to use
--directoryPath to put the downloaded game
--client-idThe client id of the ADT CLI. Contact us for the id to use for your namespace.
--client-secretThe client secret of the ADT CLI. Contact us for the actual secret to use for your namespace.
--usernameCurrent username
--passwordCurrent user password
--show-confirmationWhether to show confirmation (optional)
--build-idThe build ID to target this game binary. Not required if you already specified the game project and it has the correct build ID inside the `Config/BlackBox.ini` file.

Log level

default = info


  • info
  • debug
  • warn
  • error