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Collect and analyze crashes

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Get the ADT Crash URL

Unreal CrashReportClient uses the AccelByte Development Toolkit (ADT) crash URL as the target when sending crash reports to ensure that ADT, not Epic, receives them. Follow these steps to get the ADT Crash URL.

  1. Open ADT web.
  2. Type your namespace in lowercase in the Namespace field, then press Continue and log in.
  3. Go to the Game Settings page, then to Game Integration.
  4. Find the UE4 Data Router URL section and click Copy to copy the value. UE4 data router url copy

Collect a crash report

  1. Find the CrashReportClient folder in the game engine installation path, and then find the DefaultEngine.ini file in the game engine installation folder. /UE_5.0/Engine/Programs/CrashReportClient/Config

  2. Open and edit the .ini file. Open and edit .ini file

  3. Change the value of the ADT Crash URL from "" to the value you copied in step 5 if the Get the ADT Crash URL section. (UE4 Data Router URL), preserving the quotation marks around it. Change the value of the ADT crash URL